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Kingdom Seeds

June 23, 2019

Topic: Parable Scripture: Mark 4:26–34

What is the Kingdom of God like?  According to this passage, it's like a small seed that grows--the person who planted the seed doesn't understand how it grows, but it does. It's even a little like a weed, that grows up when and where it's least expected. 

These parables would have been shocking to the people who first heard them.  The Israelites at that time thought the Kindgom of God would have been the re-establishment of the ancient Kingdom of Israel--they thought the Messiah would raise an army, chase the Romans out of Israel, and seat himself on the throne of David.

Like the ancient Israelites, we too can have pre-concieved notions about what the kingdom of God is like.  The kingdom of God is not a like a big, successful corporation, or even a big, successful megachurch.  Instead, it grows from small things--from small acts of generosity, forgiveness, and love.  Also, we do not bring about the kingdom by our own work; we just plant the seeds, and the Spirit causes these seeds to grow in ways we don't understand.

To see this sermon in the context of the larger entire worship service, please open this bulletin.