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Thursday Pickleball (no registration) at 6:30pm


Worship Services: Sundays at 10 am

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Jesus Stopped for One!

July 21, 2019

Topic: Compassion, Healing Scripture: Mark 10:46–52

In this day and age, the powerful and the famous (politicians, royalty, all-star athletes, movie stars, and the like) are very difficult to meet face to face.  They have many bodyguards, police escorts, crowd control barricades, and so on, in order to keep the general public away from them.  Jesus, on the other hand, was very accessable, as we see in this passage.  

The crowds following Jesus were annoyed by Bartimaeus, not just because they looked down on him (as people commonly looked down on the poor and the disabled at that time--and all too often still do today); they also thought he was hindering Jesus's progress to Jerusalem.  They wanted Jesus to reach Jerusalem as quickly as possible, since they expected him to overthrow the Romans and crown himself as the new King of Israel.  

Jesus himself had other plans, of course. He was not going to his coronation, but to his crucifixion.  And the reason he was going to his crucifixion was the same reason he stopped on the way to reach out to a blind beggar--his love for all people, regardless of social status.

To see this sermon in the context of the larger entire worship service, please open this bulletin.