Monday 1pm Pickleball Registration is FULL

Summer Camp Registration

Thursday Pickleball (no registration) at 6:30pm


Worship Services: Sundays at 10 am

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Speaker Series - Christians and Creation Care

2024Speaker Series (11 x 8.5 in) (8 x 8 in) (8 x 6 in)

Christians care deeply about the magnificent, complex, and beautiful world that God has made. We understand that the creation is affected by what we humans do. We're committed to doing something about climate change! Community Christian Reformed Church will put on a series of three talks by Christian Reformed leaders engaged in creation care.  Learn about the basics of climate justice, indigenous wisdom about caring for the land, how climate change is affecting our mission partners in Bangladesh, and how you personally and collectively as a church can be involved in addressing this important issue of our day. 

 May 15th  The Basics about Climate Justice and Indigenous Wisdom about Caring for the Land

Presenters: Cindy Stover, Justice Mobilizer, CRC Canada, Adrian Jacob, Senior Leader for Indigenous Justice and Reconciliation CRC Canada

Focus: Sharing some basics about climate justice (Paris Agreement, global warming thresholds, emissions targets, info from For the Love of Creation climate initiative), as well as sharing Indigenous wisdom about caring for the land.


May 22      Global Impacts of Climate Change

Presenters: Kohima Daring, World Renew Bangladesh Country Director, Chidi Nwene, World Renew Church & Community Engagement Team, Canada, Cindy Stover, Justice Mobilizer, CRC Canada 

Focus: Global impacts of climate change, specifically in Bangladesh.  Kohima Daring, World Renew country director for Bangladesh will co-host this session and to share stories directly.


May 29th   Making It Personal

Presenters:  Cindy Stover, Justice Mobilizer, CRC Canada, Wayne Medema of Waterloo CRC and/or a Climate Witness Organizer and Harriette Mostert from CCRC.

Focus:  The commitments individuals can make, but also acknowledging that beyond individual action, there's a need to hold larger corporations and governments to climate targets.  We will invite local organizations to share about local initiatives people can participate in/volunteer with.


Offerings for World Renew Bangladesh each evening

Music team leading a song from The Porter’s Gate each evening