In the season of Epiphany (Sundays of January 12 - February 23), our pastors will be preaching on the seven miracles of Jesus recorded in the Book of John. As a way to deepen your worship, your Bible knowledge, and your fellowship with other believers, we are offering weekly Bible studies based on these passages in various homes. Sign up today!
Our mission is to grow in relationship with God, each other, and our community.
The Gospel of John records seven miracles – seven signs – that reveal Jesus' divine nature and mission.
These signs show us who Jesus is and what he is about. In this Epiphany season we'll explore these signs
visually, through an art piece crafted by a member of our congregation, in our preaching and worship,
and in our Bible Studies, as together we learn more about Jesus, who is both revealed and revealer, the
Word made flesh.
Mark your calendars for these upcoming events.
Watch the latest messages: