Who We Are


We are a diverse family of almost 500 baptised and confessing members who come together to worship our Lord each week. 


We are followers of Jesus Christ. He is our Lord and Saviour. We believe He calls us to follow Him in the same path He walked over 2,000 years ago: the way of love for God and love for neighbour, lived out in service, sacrifice, and humility. We do so by learning and obeying His word, the Bible.


In practice, we are a group that believes that every square inch of our world belongs to God and matters to Him. Our jobs, our families, our hobbies and our neighbourhoods; the entire earth! The Reformed tradition is an “all-encompassing” tradition that applies its faith to every facet of life.

Historically, we are part of the Christian Reformed Church in North America, a denomination that has its roots in the 16th century Protestant Reformation.


The word “church” means a lot of things today, but if you go back to the original Greek word ekklesia, you’ll find its meaning is really very simple: a gathering, an assembly, a community. The church, centered on Jesus Christ is Christ’s living, breathing, moving body here on earth. 

What We Believe

Growing in relationship with God, each other and our community in the Waterloo Region serves as our foundational mission at Community CRC.

Since 1948, Community Christian Reformed Church has built its foundation upon Biblical authority. Additionally, the Apostle’s Creed, Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed have provided our congregation with comprehensive explanations of our Christian faith.

Since our roots are deeply derived from the sixteenth-century Reformation, by definition we affirm three historic Reformed confessions of the Christian faith: The Belgic Confession, Canons of Dort, and the Heidelberg Catechism.

Community CRC is a denominational member of the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA). Both The Network and The Banner provide resources for numerous conversations currently occurring in our denomination.

Related Organizations

The integration of a biblical world view within the daily Christian life has been a defining characteristic of the CRCNA. For generations, Christians have been led by God to marry their faith into their everyday work and lives. That legacy serves as a pillar in many institutions today. Reformed Christian ideas preside actively in schools, political and socio-economic groups, the media, farming and many other familiar organizations.

Locally, Reformed Christianity has taken root and grown in various capacities: