Teen Club
Grades 7 - 8

Teen Club meets once a month on Friday for a mixture of fun social nights and space to go deeper in faith and with one another.

Permission and Liability Release Form
Grades 9-12

Impact is our high school youth ministry for teens. This year we will be meeting Sunday afternoon two times a month.
We will have a Bible study, social time, and food, of course!

Follow us on Instagram @communitycrc
Follow us on Facebook: Community CRC

Permission and Liability Release Form
Junior Cadet Leaders
Boys in Grades 9-12

Cadets is for boys in Grades 2 to 8, with boys in Grades 9 to 12 serving as Junior Counselors.  Cadets is “helping boys grow more Christlike in all areas of life”, including spiritually, emotionally, physically and socially. Through Bible reading, prayer, crafts, activities, service projects, and fellowship, the counselors encourage the boys to learn more about God’s Word and His world and what “Living for Jesus” looks like.  Community CRC Cadets meets every Monday 7:00-8:30pm during the ministry year.  

To join as a Junior Counselor or for more information about our club, contact cadets@ccrc.on.ca.

To register as a Cadet for the current season click the link below: 

2023/2024 Cadets Registration Form