Why Volunteer?

Serving as part of Community is a way to share the gifts we have been given. Volunteering is also one of the best ways to meet other people!

Below are many opportunities to serve at Community CRC. Questions? Email the church office or the ministry address provided.

Volunteer Opportunities

Cadets (Boys' Club) – Contact Jared Dykstra or email cadets@ccrc.on.ca
We need a few more counselors to ensure all Cadets can attend this season. Cadets meets on Monday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm in Oct/Nov, Jan/Feb, Apr/May. Email to learn more or if you're interested.

Sunday School Contact Danielle Streutker or email office@ccrc.on.ca
We need 2 more helpers grades 6+ to assist the teachers. For high schoolers, it's a great way to gain volunteer hours!

Coffee Break Childcare – Contact coffeebreak@ccrc.on.ca
Sign up to help with childcare on Wednesday mornings from 9:30 AM - 11 AM. Thank you for supporting our Coffee Break ministry!

Impact Co-Leaders – Contact office@ccrc.on.ca
You and a partner make sure all the volunteers are on the same page for events (two times a month). As co-leaders you are administratively supported by the church office and the pastoral team for teaching and big picture planning. Estimated Time Commitment: 10 hours/month.

Nursery – Contact office@ccrc.on.ca
Want to care for the youngest in our community during the worship service? You can choose to help in the Infant room or Toddler room. Teams are scheduled once every 5-6 weeks.

Ushers for Worship Services – Contact office@ccrc.on.ca
We are looking for 2 volunteers to join our usher teams for Sunday morning services. Usher teams are scheduled once every 4 weeks. 

Safe Church Team – Contact office@ccrc.on.ca
We are looking for 1 member to join our team! We welcome any adult member who can commit to meeting 4-6 times a year. You don't need experience, just a compassionate heart. The Safe Church Team is responsible for addressing issues of abuse within the congregation, which includes harassment, physical abuse, and more, which could be from volunteers, congregants and/or staff. The Team also maintains the Abuse Prevention Policy and online training. 

A/V Tech Team – Contact worship@ccrc.on.ca
Interested in the tech booth? You can sign up to run projection or live stream video. Full training is provided. Time commitment is a Sunday morning service with an 8:45am rehearsal time once every 5 weeks.

Worship Team – Contact worship@ccrc.on.ca
Are you interested in playing an instrument for Sunday morning worship services? Or if you aren't ready to play for a service, do you want to come to a rehearsal to see what it's like? We can pair you with an experienced musician who can help you!

Volunteer Training & Record Checks

All volunteers are required to complete yearly mandatory online training in disability awareness, safe church policy, abuse prevention practices and emergency/fire safety.

Volunteers are required to have a Record Check every 5 years. The online form takes only a few minutes to complete and you can choose the location from which to pick up the completed Record Check. Once you have paid for the Record Check, submit the receipt to the Church Office for reimbursement.

If you have previously submitted a Record Check, the Church Office has record of that and will notify you when you need to complete another one. If you are unsure, please contact us.

The Abuse Prevention Policy, Fire Prevention Plan and other forms can be found in Forms and Policies.

Online Volunteer Training Waterloo Police Services Record Check